Group travel
Travelling with 20 vehicles or more? Find out how we can accommodate your group.
Travelling with many vehicles
If you're planning on travelling as a group with 20 vehicles or more for private, corporate or sporting events, LeShuttle is an ideal way to cross the Channel.

How we can help
We can help with:
- Offering a set rate across the entire group.
- Boarding your group together on the crossing.
- We will try our best to accommodate everyone on the same train, subject to space availability and group size.
Fill out a booking request and we'll be in touch shortly to discuss your booking requirements. The more notice you can give us, the better!
Important informationLeShuttle's fares are calculated based on the demands on our service.
The further ahead you book, the lower the fares and the more bookings made, the more the fares will increase. Therefore; during our busy days, we may not always be able to offer a discount but your agreed group fare will be applied to the whole group regardless of the number of vehicles or increase in fares due to the demand on our service.
You will also benefit from a dedicated team of specialists to help with booking details and administration needs at no extra cost.